Saturday, March 26, 2011

Silk Creamer

Silk Creamer (Original)
         I'm not a vegan, but I have vegan tendencies. Call me a semi-vegan, if you will. I mean, I do use honey in my tea and my shoes are made from leather, so I'll never be completely a vegan, but I am trying to cut down on my dairy consumption, which is a lot. I don't really drink milk unless I'm having a chocolate cake or if I'm having cereal. I've cut down on my chocolate cake consumption and since the cereal that I enjoy has little protein, I've stopped having cereal. So, the only real time I drink milk nowadays is when I'm having tea or coffee. Enter Silk Creamer.
     Sure, there are other creamers, such as Trader Joe's Soy Creamer, etc. In any case, all these creamers are creamy enough to put into tea or coffee, if you're into that stuff. I find that putting soy milk, hemp milk or rice milk into tea or coffee just doesn't taste that good. Silk Creamer is really creamy and sweet enough without going overboard.
     And if Silk Creamer is good in tea or coffee, why not cocktails?

Kahlua and Grey Goose Vodka
     I bought a bottle of Kahlua two Christamases ago and didn't touch it at all. I enjoy a drink now and then, but I am not naturally drawn to liquor. It's been a long time since I've had a White Russian or other Kahlua drinks like a Dirty Mother, so I bought some vodka just for the hell of it. Of course, I could just have Kahlua and Silk, and also, there must be better things to do with Grey Goose, but whatever.

White Russian (or A Russian in Silk)
Here's my White Russian, or as I call it, A Russian in Silk:
1 oz of Kahlua or coffee liqueur
1 oz of vodka
2 oz of Silk Creamer (or a similar creamer like Trader Joe's Soy Creamer)

In any case, if you're cutting down on dairy products and you still like a mixed drink now and then, why not?

Silk Soy Creamer is not organic, but Trader Joe's is and Organic Valley has an organic version too.

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