Monday, April 11, 2011

Beefless Ribs

Vegetarian McRibs?

     I was curious about the McRib Sandwich when it came out the first time around YEARS AGO. However, I never tried because it would disappear before I could get around to it. So, last year when I noticed that it was back, I decided I would try it. Why?? Curiosity? Anyway, I thought the taste was okay (the kindest thing I can think of), even though the texture was obviously not meaty. It was processed and nowhere near meat. I felt sick afterwards, maybe not from the meat, but maybe the grease? Some vegetarian products try to imitate meat, but some meat products try to imitate meat too, maybe even more so!
     Then, I saw MorningStar's Hickory BBQ Riblets. Okay, anyone who likes eating ribs is NOT going to mistake these riblets for the real thing. The sauce is not bad and, in the end, this product does have protein.

Vegetarian riblet in a hickory barbeque sauce
     Another plus is that it's easy to prepare. Just stick it the microwave for longer than you would expect, let it rest. Then, stick it between whole wheat buns with lettuce and tomato maybe. There's plenty of sauce.
     If I ever open a vegetarian fast food place, I'd probably have this on the menu with organic french fries. Or maybe I should convince existing food chains to carry it, as long as they are trying to imitate meat, why not offer a vegetarian alternative?

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