1st Quarter Weight Loss Graph |
For some reason, I couldn't upload spreadsheets, so I decided to take a picture of my first quarter weight loss. Each bar represents what I weighed on that particular week. I took the weight of each day of the week and took the average. As you can see, it's been a downward trend.
The last four weeks, I went through an ice cream phase, but now I'm over it. Let's see, I was eating Haagen-Dazs ice cream: coffee, chocolate peanut butter, strawberry, dulce de leche, etc. Thankfully, I didn't gain that much weight because of it and I managed to continue on decline despite of it.
I told someone I had lost weight by eating vegetarian foods and he was surprised. He asked me if that's the only thing I'm doing. And the answer is yes! I was exercising a little before and I wasn't losing weight and I'm still exercising about the same level. So, it must be what I'm eating!
I did a Carbohydrate Addicts Diet a long time ago (the toned down version of the Atkins Diet) and it worked, but I got tired of eating eggs, so much so, that to this day, I'm not really drawn to eating that many eggs. I found that the only time I ate eggs was usually when I baked something. So, I'll probably explore vegan baking at some point.
I also found that I only used butter occasionally, as a spread on toast, or in baking and I already started substituting coconut oil in baking. I also have palm oil and Earth Balance, so if I'll go to vegan baking, I'll experiment and see which ones I like the most. As for a spread, I like Earth Balance as a spread.
As for milk, I used to drink a few glasses of milk each day. Nowadays, I only use it in my tea or coffee. Or in cereal, but I don't eat cereal anymore. I like the taste of soy creamer so I've been using that.
As you may have guessed, I love ice cream, but I also like coconut ice cream and I'd like to try hemp milk ice cream. I've tried Rice Dream Ice Cream and I don't like it at all. So, if I stopped eating ice cream, I'd probably eat Coconut Bliss. And when adding cream to soups, I like adding coconut milk already instead.
I tried vegan cheese and I don't really like it, so I probably won't give up cheese. I don't eat chunks of cheese, but I like adding them to soups and sauces. So, I'll just reduce my usage.
It almost sounds like I'm becoming a vegan, doesn't it? I probably will never be a vegan, but how about a semi-vegan? All in all, it hasn't really been that difficult in switching to a vegetarian diet and the weight loss has been gradual, but it's been a loss nevertheless?
I want to hear from you? Are you doing something about those New Year's Resolutions? What are some of your stories? How are you doing?